Sabado, Hulyo 5, 2014

As a teacher, how will you cater the Generation Z?

One of the greatest challenge of the teachers today is "How am I going to cater the needs of the Generation Z learners?" As Zach Zimmerman said,"With the magnitude of problems that face this new generation , many are predicting that our skills and competence will not be enough to meet  the challenges ahead." These learners can get bored easily, they prefer visual learning over the other styles of learning such as kinaesthetic and auditory.In this case, as a future teacher it would be a must being creative and innovative in terms of presenting the lesson would be very appealing for me.Indeed, teaching is not easy because there's no strategy that fits all. With that, I have learned from one of my instructor that a collaborative interaction between teacher and the students would help to improve the lesson. As an imaginative future teacher, I would ask my students first on what way do they want the lesson to be presented. In that, I can be able to apply a strategy that would fit their learning style.

Technology no longer has the buzz that it used to have.  Several years ago if you sat a student in front of a computer you would get instant engagement.  This is no longer the case. Generation Z will learn more effectively if they are left to solve problems and find solutions. All of their gaming experience has centred around solving problems so that they can progress to a greater problem.  When a student sees the progress they are making they become addicted to success.  They will continue to work at a level of a game for a long time because they realise that each time they fail they have just learnt one more strategy and at least know what won’t work.(

The sole use of computer in teaching is not so appealing anymore, instead letting the students to engage with the lesson will enhance the learning.It has always been said that we learn when we are engage with what is happening and so with the leaners, the more they get involve the more they learn.Therefore, presentation of lesson must be 70% students involvement and 30% for the teacher. With that, I can be able to cater the Generation Z's needs to learn.

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